Auto, Bus & Train Accidents
Distracted drivers are a hazard. One of the leading causes of death or harm is the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, whether it be a car, tractor trailer, bus or other type of vehicle.
Trains and their stations that are negligently operated cause hundreds of serious injuries and deaths each year in NYC; every year hundreds of people are hit or run over by trains, get injured in the excessive “gaps” between the train cars and the platform, and unsafe steps or platforms.
Story of how Sonin & Genis won an 8 million dollar verdict for a Slip & Fall in a subway station.
Sonin & Genis was able to secure a verdict for $28.25 millon dollars for the victim of this reckless police hot pursuit.
At Sonin & Genis, we hold negligent drivers accountable and obtain full compensation for our clients. Our level of preparation is legendary. We carefully research law, engineering and safety standards and codes. We hire qualified experts. We use certified medical illustrators to show the injuries our clients have suffered.