Apartment Fire

Property & Landlord Liability

An owner of property has a duty to keep their land and buildings reasonably safe.:

  • This means clean and free from conditions that can cause someone to trip or slip, both inside the building and outside on the property and sidewalk.

  • Safe means proper lighting, visibility, working locks and buzzers to prevent assaults.

  • No illegal lead based paint.

  • Elevators that work properly.

  •  Hot water regulators to prevent people from being burned in the bath or shower.

  • Ceilings that don’t collapse and fall on us.

In this INSIDER EXCLUSIVE NETWORK TV SPECIAL, “Justice In America – James Greene’s Story”, they cover how the Sonin & Genis Law firm, successfully won a $6 Million-dollar verdict for his client James Greene, who was severely injured as a result of a falling elevator. James sustained herniated discs to his neck and back that required surgery.

$ 7.5 million settlement for injuries sustained in Fire in Apartment Building


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