
Norma Stubbs’ Story

A person’s home is their castle. Home is the one place our families should be safe. New York State enacted the Multiple Dwelling Laws to protect tenants, their families and guests almost 100 years ago. However, many landlords still fail to provide safe housing, resulting in countless, unnecessary injuries and deaths every year.

Landlords that choose to fail to comply with safety standards and needlessly expose people to unnecessary harm must be held accountable for all injuries that their negligence is a substantial contributing factor in causing. Safety is no accident.

For more than 30 years, the New York landlord liability lawyers at Sonin & Genis have been protecting residents from damages caused by negligent landlords. Known as the “heavy hitters with heart,” they treat their clients with compassion while tirelessly pursuing the parties responsible for their clients’ pain and suffering.

Landlords and Building owners are required to keep their property safe for all members of our community and for the public good. The purpose of the law is to protect all members of our community.

New York State’s Multiple Dwelling Law § 2 states:

“…. insufficient protection against the defective provision for escape from fire, and improper sanitation of multiple dwellings in certain areas of the state are a menace to the health, safety, morals, welfare, and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the state; and that the establishment and maintenance of proper housing standards requiring sufficient light, air, sanitation and protection from fire hazards are essential to the public welfare”.

New York State’s Multiple Dwelling Law § 80 states:

“The owner shall keep all and every part of a multiple dwelling, the lot on which it is situated, and the roofs, yards, courts, passages, areas or alleys …. clean and free from vermin, dirt, filth, garbage or other thing or matter dangerous to life or health.

Landlord and premises liability cases are rarely straightforward. They involve a wide range of factors, laws, and parties, including NYS Multi Dwelling Laws, NYC Administrative Code, NYS and NYC Codes, Rules and Regulations, the National Safety Council, and other Codes.

Unfortunately, there are still many landlords that break the law and fail to properly maintain their premises and needlessly subject members of our community to unnecessary harm.

IN THIS INSIDER EXCLUSIVE NETWORK TV SPECIAL, “JUSTICE IN AMERICA – Norma Stubbs’ Story”, we visit with Bob Genis @ Sonin Genis Law firm as we take you inside today’s legal system, examining Bob’s strategies, and his client’s thoughts, and in vivid detail…. showing you the often-heartbreaking stories of cases like his clients…. Norma Stubbs and her daughter Da’Mya, for whom he successfully settled their case for $7.75 Million dollars.

These victims could be you or me one day…. And if you are so unlucky… you will quickly find out that Justice in America is a hard-won battle, where very few Defendants ever…. “Do the Right Thing” …and you need experienced and passionate trial lawyers, like Bob Genis, Founder of the Sonin & Genis law firm who wage these battles with their own financial resources to get their clients justice.


James Greene’s Story